A review of our 2023 Awards:

Photos from our 2023 awards evening are available for all to view and download by clicking here

Our 2024 Awards Compére:

Andi Jarvis

We are delighted to welcome Andi Jarvis back to the stage as compére for our 2024 awards event!

Andi Jarvis, Founder of Eximo Marketing, is a marketing strategist and professional speaker. He makes both of those worlds collide on his Strategy Sessions podcast. The show interviews some of the best marketers in the world and is ranked in the top 10% of business podcasts globally by Spotify.

Andi is an in-demand conference host and speaker, bringing a uniquely upbeat, lively and highly engaging energy to each of his events, whilst also helping audiences around the world demystify marketing, and as you’ll discover during our Green Communications session in particular at this year’s Summit.

You can find Andi on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Award Sponsors:

This year’s All-Ireland Sustainability Awards are brought to you in partnership with:

Everun logo

2023 Trophy Artist: Ruthie Stewart

Our 2023 award trophies have been designed and created by Lisburn based artist, Ruthie Stewart of Orlaith’s Studio. To find out more about Ruthie click on the link.

Ruthie Stewart

And sponsored by:

Our charity partner:

Award Categories & Sponsors:

Sustainable Tourism & Hospitality Initiative of the Year:

The Sustainable Tourism & Hospitality Initiative of the Year category honors exceptional efforts in promoting eco-friendly and socially responsible tourism and hospitality practices.

Applicants may include initiatives that significantly reduce environmental footprints, enhance local communities, and/or preserve cultural heritage. Ideal entries should highlight innovative practices, such as waste reduction, energy efficiency, and sustainable sourcing.

Submissions should provide evidence of sustainability achievements, guest and stakeholder engagement, alignment with the UN SDG’s and a commitment to continuous improvement and education in sustainable practices.

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Social Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion Initiative of the Year:

This award is focused on showcasing companies who are putting social sustainability, equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of their organisation. Whether it’s promoting equality and diversity within the workplace, developing charitable schemes or community development projects.

Our judges are looking for socially responsible business initiatives that are driving positive change for all.

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Green Marketing / Stakeholder Engagement Initiative of the Year:

This award is focused on organisations who have developed or delivered a successful green marketing campaign, or initiative which seeks to engage customers / citizens and stakeholders in their green products or services, or encourage more sustainable practices or lifestyles.

Our judges will be looking for innovative and inspiring marketing, engagement, awareness raising and/or advertising initiatives that are fact based, avoid greenwashing and lead to a tangible increase in awareness and / or engagement and actions among the target audience.

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Net-Zero Initiative of the Year:

This award is open to all industry types and focuses on the development and/or delivery of ambitious decarbonisation strategies.

Entrants for this category are required to demonstrate how they will dramatically reduce emissions across their organisations, or for their wider stakeholders, but are not necessarily expected to have an absolute net-zero target in place.

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Green Exporter of the Year:

This award focuses on businesses or organisations who are exporting a product or service outside of their own, local region and offers a more sustainable option for the end user, and / or considers more sustainable production methods.

This may include (but is not limited to) products or services that drive decarbonisation, improve upon resource circularity, and / or energy efficiency, and / or offer the end customer a more sustainable end product through it’s production methods for example.

Our judges will be seeking evidence of an increase in export of the goods / services over the past 24 months; how the product / service offers a more sustainable solution / option and what the overall impacts have been for all stakeholders.

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Energy Initiative / Project of the Year:

This award is open to all organisations and focuses on showcasing examples of best practice within proactive energy management that will enable a more sustainable future energy system for all.

This may include (but is not limited to) the development of sustainable / renewable energy technologies, onsite energy management systems and / or consumer engagement and behavioural change initiatives. The award focuses on ambitious energy projects and initiatives that have been developed over the past 24 months.

Entries must provide robust evidence of impact, innovation, alignment with the UN SDG’s and a strong commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions.

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Food Waste Reduction Initiative of the Year:

This award recognises initiatives that reduce wasted food within organisations across the Island, helping to increase resource efficiency, food waste management, the reduction of unnecessary expenditure and / or demonstrates a commitment to engaging the wider community.

Judges will be looking for projects that demonstrate tangible impacts, increase stakeholder engagement and / or awareness and ultimately help to advance the move towards improved management of food resources.

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Waste, Resource Management & Circular Economy Initiative of the Year:

This award recognises initiatives that drive an increase in waste and resource reduction, recycling and/or reuse or an increased focus on circular economy.

Judges will be looking for projects that demonstrate tangible impacts, increase stakeholder engagement and/or ultimately help to advance the move towards a more resource efficient and circular economy.

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Consultant / Consultancy of the Year:

This award is open to all consultant, consultancies or advisory firms that have delivered quantifiable environmental and / or social improvements for their clients.

Our judges are focused on applications that are helping clients work towards and achieve their sustainability ambitions that go above and beyond their normal practice.

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Housing, Buildings and / or Construction Initiative of the Year:

This award aims to showcase the most innovative and inspiring green building, infrastructure, architectural and / or construction projects developed over the past 24 months.

This is open to all housing, building, construction and / or architectural initiatives and may include (but is not limited to) projects that seek to maximise on resource or energy efficiency, green building or construction design, retrofitting programmes or energy efficiency upgrades.

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Young Changemaker of the Year:

This award is focused on the outstanding efforts and achievements of inspiring young sustainability and environmental changemakers who are driving positive change within their organisation, the community, the local environment and/or across the low-carbon economy.

The award is open to anyone under the age of 30 (as of by the end of March 2024), and it can be entered for directly or through nomination.

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Biodiversity Initiative of the Year:

In a 2020 global assessment of 240 countries it was discovered that Northern Ireland was the 12th worst performing country for biodiversity loss, with the Republic of Ireland ranking 13th lowest.

This award seeks to address this issue and recognise the outstanding efforts of organisations, and individuals, who are working to enhance, restore and / or improve biodiversity across the region.

Our judges are seeking evidence of positive and tangible impacts that have been achieved over the course of the project, or initiative described.

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Agri-Food Initiative of the Year:

This award aims to showcase sustainable best practice within the agri-food sector and focuses on producers and businesses across NI and Ireland that are taking innovative steps to change the way that food is produced, processed, traded and consumed, is developed in ways that protects, improves and restore wildlife and the natural environment and / or is working towards building a more resilient and robust food system for the future.

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Small Business of the Year:

The Sustainability Award for Best Small Business (under 9 employees) recognises exceptional commitment to tangible change in social or environmental initiatives. Criteria include measurable impact, innovative approaches, community engagement, and / or integration of sustainability into core business practices.

The recipient demonstrates leadership, transparency, and a lasting positive influence on their surroundings.

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Tech for Good Initiative of the Year

The Tech for Good category celebrates innovative technology-driven solutions that create positive social and environmental impact.

Entries should demonstrate the use of technology to address pressing sustainability challenges, such as climate change, resource efficiency, and social inequality, and submissions should showcase measurable outcomes, and clear alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Judges are interested in projects that display originality, ethical considerations, and a commitment to long-term impact.

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Agri-Food Initiative of the Year:

This award aims to showcase sustainable best practice within the agri-food sector and focuses on producers and businesses across NI and Ireland that are taking innovative steps to change the way that food is produced, processed, traded and consumed, is developed in ways that protects, improves and restore wildlife and the natural environment and / or is working towards building a more resilient and robust food system for the future.

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Overall Winner of the Year:

This final award of the evening recognises, from all the winners of the evening, the business who will be awarded the most Sustainable Business of the Year 2024.

This award recognises the organisation that has taken its environmental, social and financial performance to new heights in an effort to achieve a more sustainable future for all stakeholders and are working to advance a greener economy now, and into the future.

Unlike the other awards, this one is based on the merit of the evening’s overall winners and so there is no additional registration process.

Overall Winner of the Year:

This final award of the evening recognises, from all the winners of the evening, the business who will be awarded the most Sustainable Business of the Year 2024.

This award recognises the organisation that has taken its environmental, social and financial performance to new heights in an effort to achieve a more sustainable future for all stakeholders and are working to advance a greener economy now, and into the future.

Unlike the other awards, this one is based on the merit of the evening’s overall winners and so there is no additional registration process.

Event venue & supporters:

La Mon Hotel & Country Club logo
Hastings Hotels logo
2b creative

Applications are open from 21 Mar - 6 Sept 2024 (1pm)

Awards Nomination Form

Important information before completing your application:

All sections that include a (Required) are considered essential sections. It is your responsibility to ensure that all essential sections are complete before submitting your nomination. Failure to do so may render your application null and void.

Applications must be submitted via the website by 1pm on the 6th of September 2024.

If you would like to view the format of the application, and prepare your answers in a separate document before applying online, then please download our word template below.

PLEASE NOTE that all applications must still be submitted online however. Emailed word documents will NOT be accepted. The format document may be downloaded via this link: Award form template

Step 1 of 8 - Award Category

Award Category

Please select an award category

Ezine signup form:


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